Therapeutic Projects


Playing the Taiko is more than only drumming ...

Drumming gives us back the purest sensations & emotions - you can feel and hear the energy!

In addition to the dance, drumming is the most original form of music - and the most powerful as well. This principle has been preserved over the centuries in almost all cultures.

It was always used for the achievement of trance-like states. Especially low-tuned drums produce a tremendous response, which can not only our pleura vibrate, but also can have a strong stimulant effect.

This "power" can also be used to get old buried mood patterns to the surface in order to be processed. The force of the drums touches us in the depths of our soul!

Still playing Japanese Taiko provides additional approaches, which can be used ideally not only for adults but also for children (ADD, hyperactive or normal).
Thus, the general motor skills, coordination, concentration, and the condition are significantly improved by learning the Taiko. Due to the necessity of having to beat taiko resistant strong, is "excess energy" degraded & at the same time put to good use. Since Taiko are also played in groups (must), the social interaction is also improved.

In an additional use of meditation exercises (in Japan it is an undisputed condition for Taiko players), participants learn to direct their power & energy, and not to be ruled by them - for example, as a wonderful way to support a Anti aggressive therapy.

Jens-Peter Kadelka, the founder of Shambala Daiko who in 2005 attended medical practitioner studies of psychotherapy, accompanies this form of "therapy-support".

Learning to play the Taiko is in many ways useful and healthy - for young and grownups.